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New Journey Begins

2 minute read

As many of you know, a little over 3 weeks ago, I began my search for a new career opportunity. Things always happen for a reason and I fully embraced, with ...

Ansible - Provision Docker Swarm Mode (1.12)

4 minute read

Lately I have been working quite a bit with the latest Docker Swarm Mode released in Docker 1.12 and so far it has been pretty awesome. The days of spinning ...

Docker - Spinning Up A Graphite Container

1 minute read

As I am working through some testing methodologies for Infrastructure/app testing I wanted to throw together a usable Graphite image that I could easily spin...

Docker - Creating An Alpine Image With Ansible

1 minute read

As I am experimenting with Docker images and finding the right combination which works well for me the majority of the time. I have finally put together a si...

Docker - Ansible - ELK Stack

7 minute read

In this post we will be going over setting up a quick and easy way to standup ELK Stack using Docker containers for each of our components required. Keep in ...