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Ansible - Using the set_facts module

4 minute read

Today I was writing/updating an Ansible role for installing Cacti monitoring and decided to add the ability to choose the back-end webserver being used. The ...

Vagrant - Complex Vagrantfile Configurations

8 minute read

I will be using this a reference for adding various Vagrant configurations for setting up testing environments. I really just wanted to put this out here bec...

Docker - Building containers using Ansible

4 minute read

Have you thought about building Docker containers using some Ansible role(s) or playbook(s) you may already be using for your regular automated deployments? ...

Vagrant - Ansible Provisioning multi-nodes

1 minute read

I am just throwing this out here for my own reference because I seem to always forget how to do this when spinning up multiple nodes within a Vagrant environ...

Tech Field Day - #TFD10 - VMTurbo

3 minute read

Once again VMTurbo presented at Tech Field Day and this time it was at #TFD10 in Austin, TX. VMTurbo is known for their unique way of managing your virtual a...