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Slow Transfer Through Cisco ASA

1 minute read

I recently ran into this issue in which transferring files through a Cisco ASA Firewall was extremely slow only in one direction. The transfer would run betw...

SSO Server Unavailable Using Web UI

1 minute read

I just ran into this issue. Tried to login to vSphere 5.1 web ui and received the “SSO Server Unavailable”. I tried restarting the vCenter Single Sign On ser...

Get The OpenStack Operations Guide

less than 1 minute read

Download the Openstack Operations guide from here. I plan on reading through this whole PDF soon. Good stuff.

vCloud Director Testing Using Autolab

less than 1 minute read

I will be spending a while testing out Autolab v1.1 to do some vCloud Director testing. I checked out Autolab v1 a few months back and it was awesome. So I f...

Supermicro AOC-USAS2-L8i IT mode

1 minute read

In order to get this SAS controller to work with Nexenta/ZFS you first need to flash the firmware to enable IT mode. This allows the disks to be presented as...