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Graylog2 Streams via Email

less than 1 minute read

I was recently asked how to get emails working from streams you have created within the Graylog2 web ui. Seeing as I had done this just recently I thought I ...

Nexenta NMS Web Interface Not Responding

less than 1 minute read

I was just getting ready to swap out a failing drive in my Nexentastor CE NAS and tried to log into the web interface and received “Waiting to establish NMS ...

vCenter SSO AD Gotcha

1 minute read

So this past week I have been upgrading my home lab domain from AD 2008 R2 to AD 2012 and so far it has gone without a hitch (read here on this). Well until ...

Server 2012 AD Upgrade Notes

1 minute read

So I am in the process of going through an Active Directory 2008 R2 upgrade to Server 2012 which has been going very smooth so far. So far I have prepped the...

Using Veeam for office relocations

1 minute read

Here is a great scenario for using Veeam Backup and Replication when relocating a branch office. Say you have a remote office that contains a rather large fi...