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PowerCLI – Change vSphere iSCSI Path Selection

1 minute read

Here is just a quick PowerCLI script to change all of your iSCSI datastores to “Round Robin” path selection. The default path selection for all datastores is...

ZFS and BTRFS Bitrot Avoidance?

less than 1 minute read

Have you ever heard of bitrot? Well if not you should head over to here and have a read. I was sent this article by a colleague and I thought it was a very i...

PowerCLI Script to add Syslog Servers

less than 1 minute read

I was asked earlier about this. So I figured I would throw this together real quick. There was a concern about adding syslog server settings to an enormous n...

Upgrading Ubuntu Nagios 3.5 to 4.x

1 minute read

In this previous post we installed Nagios 3.5.0 from source. Now that the current version of Nagios is 4.0.2 I wanted to walk through upgrading the previous ...