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Bro-IDS Logstash Parsing

less than 1 minute read

I have spent the past several days working with Bro-IDS and Logstash parsing and wanted to share this with anyone else who may be doing the same and needs so...

IP Reputation Lookups with Logstash

1 minute read

I had a great question yesterday about how to configure Logstash to integrate IP reputation lookups within Logstash and Kibana without having to copy and pas...


5 minute read

As part of a bigger post coming soon I have been using Suricata IDS and my Logstash server has been getting hammered and unable to keep up (running a single ...

Graylog2 v0.90 Install Script

less than 1 minute read

In the past I have been updating the auto install scripts for Graylog2 and updating the original post each time. However here on out I will be creating new p...

IPTables Cluster Script

2 minute read

I have been working on some interesting virtualized networking setups (More on this in another post soon) and needed a way to configure IPTables rules on all...