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Solarwinds Scalable Deployment Design

less than 1 minute read

I am currently working on a scalable Enterprise Solarwinds deployment and wanted to share this design. The design is not completed yet so this drawing may be...

Ubuntu 14.04 Graylog2 Virtual Appliance

1 minute read

I have put together a Graylog2 prebuilt virtual appliance to share with the community. This appliance is built on a fresh Ubuntu 14.04 LTS x64 Server and run...

Ubuntu Graylog2 Auto Install Script - Video

less than 1 minute read

I wanted to throw together a video real quick to demonstrate how easy Graylog2 can be installed using my Ubuntu auto-install script. This video will augment ...

NexentaStor 4.0.1 GA Released today

less than 1 minute read

NexentaStor 4.x has finally made it to GA as of today. I will be evaluating if it makes sense to make the move yet or not prior to upgrading my actual produc...

Build TFTP Server for ESXi Installs

7 minute read

So it has been a while since I have built a TFTP server and the opportunity came up to do this again to do some ESXi deployments. I wanted the ability to do ...