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A Journey to modern-day IT relevance

11 minute read

We keep hearing this term day in and day out it seems. Attending conferences, meet-ups and other social events keep pushing this down our throats in one way ...

Tech Field Day - NFD10

less than 1 minute read

I was invited as a delegate to attend Tech Field Day - Network Field Day 10 (NFD10) in Silicon Valley the week of August 18th. This was my first time being a...

Vagrant - Multi-NIC Definitions via YAML

4 minute read

I am currently working on a little routing project to use as a learning tool for others to easily consume by using Vagrant and Ansible (Inspired by this post...

Learning Vagrant and Ansible Provisioning

3 minute read

After attending Tech Field Day (#NFD10) there was a great deal of discussion around using Vagrant and Ansible for building out environments and provisioning ...

Ansible - Generate Rundeck Inventory

1 minute read

I have been doing some testing with Jenkins and Rundeck along with Ansible lately. I wanted a way to number one not have to manually update resources.xml for...