Ansible - Highly Available ELK Stack
A little over a year ago I provided installation scripts along with this post to help setup a completely redundant ELK Stack. This post has definitely been one of my most popular posts that I have ever put out and lot’s of great feedback provided. Over the past few months I have been working on getting all of this functionality and then some ported over to Ansible which has proven to be amazing to say the least. However the missing piece has been providing this out to the community for consumption as well as getting additional feedback in areas that could be improved on. So I am now putting this all together (Hopefully in a consumable way) and providing this to the great community. As always this will be a working guide on setting this all up as I am sure that I will miss pieces here and there as I release these playbooks. I have spent a good bit of time trying to make these playbooks as customizable as I can allowing for them to fit within any environment. I am of course open to any ideas or thoughts on how to make these even better.
All of this will be contained in my GitHub repository. A note on this is that I have created one repository for all Ansible roles in order to use them across different solutions as well as have a repository that would be all inclusive for a complete site setup which would include additional environments other than just ELK. As I share out additional roles I will be building on the foundation of a complete site, meaning that variables that should carry out over all roles will be contained in group_vars/all directory. I prefer to use individual files for specific variables instead of placing all of them in a single group_vars/all file. But of course you may choose to do differently.
UPDATE - 04-17-2016
As you work through this setup it has come to my attention that this post is extremely out of date. So YMMV as you attempt to install ELK. I intend on publishing a more current post on setting up ELK which in most cases is even easier than the process here including the Ansible roles. If you would like to clone and leverage much more current versions of each ELK role or would like to just have them as a reference in case you run into issues following this post. You can visit each of the newer Ansible roles from below. Hope this helps!
The main Ansible role with some details included can be found here.
Example of group_vars/all
administrator@ansible:~/ansible/group_vars/all$ ls -l
total 44
-rw-rw-r-- 1 administrator administrator 5753 Jul 20 17:31 accounts
-rw-rw-r-- 1 administrator administrator 1073 Jul 20 17:31 email
-rw-rw-r-- 1 administrator administrator 284 Jul 20 17:31 gitlab
-rw-rw-r-- 1 administrator administrator 468 Jul 20 17:31 monitoring
-rw-rw-r-- 1 administrator administrator 1160 Jul 20 17:31 network
-rw-rw-r-- 1 administrator administrator 214 Jul 20 17:31 rundeck
-rw-rw-r-- 1 administrator administrator 139 Jul 20 17:31 security
-rw-rw-r-- 1 administrator administrator 2127 Jul 20 17:31 servers
-rw-rw-r-- 1 administrator administrator 233 Jul 20 17:31 time
-rw-rw-r-- 1 administrator administrator 457 Jul 20 17:31 vcenter
As I provision nodes in my environment I use a bootstrap playbook and then a site playbook which will perform many tasks that should be consistent across all nodes. Feel free to tweak as you see fit but make sure to modify variables in specific files in group_vars/all prior to going any further ensuring that these variable align with your environment. I keep all specific user account and passwords in group_vars/all/accounts therefore when you pull this file from Github it will not contain much.
- hosts: all
sudo: yes
- { role: change-hostname, when: update_hostname }
- hosts: all
gather_facts: yes
sudo: yes
- bootstrap
- hosts: all
sudo: yes
remote_user: remote
- { role: disable-firewall, when: not enable_firewall }
- { role: enable-firewall, when: enable_firewall }
- base
- ntp
- rsyslog
- { role: change-hostname, when: update_hostname }
- { role: collectd, when: enable_collectd_monitoring }
- { role: postfix, when: configure_postfix }
- { role: sensu, when: enable_sensu_monitoring }
- { role: snmpd, when: enable_snmpd }
- { role: sysdig, when: install_sysdig is defined and install_sysdig }
- { role: timezone, when: change_timezone }
- { role: zabbix-agent, when: enable_zabbix_monitoring }
So you should now clone my Github repo by doing the following into a folder of your choosing.
git clone
So with all of the above out of the way let’s go ahead and get started.
Assumption: You have an understanding of using Ansible
ELK Nodes
In order to make this highly available and scalable you will need to deploy a number of nodes in groups based on their role. And each role will have a specific resource requirement. This will be based on a starting point allowing for you to scale either vertical or horizontal (preferably horizontal).
The naming that I will be using will have a -p in the node names which references production. This allows for you to build out production and say dev or test using the same playbooks and roles with just some minor changes to some group_vars/groups. All nodes are based on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS x64.
- elk-p-broker-nodes
- 3 nodes
- Elasticsearch Master nodes, Redis cache, Kibana WebUI
- Elasticsearch min. 2 master nodes up in cluster required
- 1vCPU, 4GB RAM, 36GB hard drive
- elk-p-es-nodes
- 3 nodes
- Elasticsearch Data nodes
- 2vCPU,4GB RAM, 250GB hard drive
- elk-p-pre-processor-nodes
- 2 nodes
- Logstash inputs, pre-processing, multiline filtering
- Send output to the broker-nodes via Redis
- 1vCPU, 1GB RAM, 36GB hard drive
- elk-p-processor-nodes
- 4 nodes
- Logstash parsers
- Gather input from broker nodes via Redis
- Send output to the es-nodes via Elasticsearch
- 2vCPU, 2GB RAM, 36GB hard drive
- elk-p-haproxy-nodes
- 2 nodes
- KeepAliveD VIP, Load Balancers for all of the ELK Stack
- Also gather UDP syslog for devices that cannot be configured for TCP
- 1vCPU, 512MB RAM, 36GB hard drive
Once you have all of these deployed you will create or add to your Ansible inventory as follows. The group elk-p-nodes will include all of the nodes part of the setup in order to apply variables that apply to all nodes allowing us to get more granular with variables in the specific groups. Or you may use the included hosts file included in the Github repo.
Now either create or modify the following group_vars/group names to fit your requirements. (Only groups with specific settings pertaining to ELK will be shown below and are only shown here for a reference. Each of these are included in the github repository.)
- group_vars/elk-p-broker-nodes
- group_vars/elk-p-es-nodes
- group_vars/elk-p-haproxy-nodes
- name: ''
port: 514
proto: tcp
- name: 'logstash-dev.'
port: 514
proto: udp
additional_logstash_workers: true #true=add additional workers defined in logstash_workers | false=disable
config_logstash: true #defines if logstash should be configured or not...this should be set to true unless there is a reason not to
config_rabbitmq_ha: '' #only define if using rabbitmq instead of redis for broker nodes and rabbitmq ha is required for redundancy of queues **recommended if using rabbitmq
enable_firewall: false
enable_rabbitmq_clustering: '' #only define if using rabbitmq instead of redis for broker nodes and your requirements are for clustering of rabbitmq nodes **recommended if using rabbitmq
es_cluster_name: logstash-prod #define the elasticsearch cluster name to configure
es_config_nfs: false #configure and NFS mount to setup for archiving of elasticsearch data - has to be configured using the elasticsearch API or another method **recommended for long term archiving
es_curator_close_after_days: 14 #defined the number of days to keep elasticsearch indexes open
es_curator_max_keep_days: 30 #defines data retention policy for elasticsearch...purges data to keep disk space in order... **recommend aligning this with NFS archiving
es_dest: /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml
es_fielddata_cache_size: 40% #elasticsearch tweak...research before tweaking this
es_min_master_nodes: 2 #defines the minimum number of elasticsearch master nodes to keep from split-brain scenario in cluster....adjust based on number of elk-broker-nodes deployed. should be at least 1 more than half of nodes
es_nfs_mount: #define NFS mount to configure if setting up for archiving
es_nfs_mount_opts: defaults #adjust NFS mountpoint options...research before changing
es_nfs_mountpoint: /mnt/elasticsearch-snapshots #define NFS mountpoint to mount es_nfs_mount to
es_replicas: 1 #defines the number of data replicas to maintain in elasticsearch cluster....default is 1...research before changing this
es_shards: 5 #defines the number of data shards to maintain in elasticsearch cluster....default is 5...research before changing this
esxinaming: #define your VMware ESXi naming standards if used...this should be set to host pattern...example - esxi01.everythingshouldbevirtual.local - define as esxi
- esxi
hadoop_notifications: ''
hadoopnaming: '' #define your Hadoop naming standards if used...this should be set to host pattern...example - hd01.everythingshouldbevirtual.local - define as hd
# - hd #uncomment and remove '' above if setting
keepalived_router_id: 51 #defines the router_id to configure for keepalived...ensure not to define an already in use router_id if keepalived exists on the same subnet
keepalived_vip: #defines the VIP to be assigned to the cluster...this will be the address to access all components of ELK...create a DNS record for this address...ex - logstash.everythingshouldbevirtual.local
keepalived_vip_hostname: '' #define the DNS record created for keepalived_vip #defined in group_vars/all/configs
keepalived_vip_int: eth0 #defines the network interface for keepalived to use for VIP and HAProxy (Load Balancer)
kibana_elasticsearch: 'http://:9200' #defines the url to configure Kibana UI to communicate with elasticsearch cluster..should be set to keepalived_vip or keepalived_vip_hostname
kibana_host: #defines Kibana host...should remain as unless other requirements are required...research before changing
kibana_port: 5601
logstash_alerts_domain: '' #defines the domain to be applied to email alerts...this may be different than pri_domain_name (group_vars/all/configs) ex. everythingshouldbevirtual.local and
logstash_alerts_email: 'logstash.alerts@' #define email address to use for email alerts to be sent from logstash
logstash_config_dir: /etc/logstash/conf.d #defines the location where logstash configurations will be located....default is /etc/logstash/conf.d
logstash_drop_grokparsefailures: false #set to true if you want to drop all messages resulting in _grokparsefailure
logstash_enable_alerts: true #defines if alerts should be enabled...example is email alerts..
logstash_workers: 4 #define the number of logstash worker processes to spawn
netscalernaming: '' #define your Citrix Netscaler naming standards if used...this should be set to host pattern...example - nsvpx01.everythingshouldbevirtual.local - define as nsvpx
# - nsvpx #uncomment and remove '' above if setting
nsxnaming: '' #define your VMware NSX naming standards if used...this should be set to host pattern...example - nsx-rt01.everythingshouldbevirtual.local - define as nsx-rt
# - vShield-edge #uncomment and remove '' above if setting
# - nsx-rt #uncomment and remove '' above if setting
pfsensenaming: #define your PFSense firewall naming standards if used...this should be set to host pattern...example - pfsense01.everythingshouldbevirtual.local - define as pfsense
- pfsense
redis_max_memory: 2048 #define the max amount of memory to use for redis
redis_max_memory_policy: allkeys-lru #defines redis max memory policy...research before changing
redis_server_name: '' #define the hostname or IP address of your redis server for elk-pre-processors to send logstash output...should be set to keepalived_vip or keepalived_vip_hostname
rundeck_logstash_host: ''
rundeck_logstash_port: 9700
use_rabbitmq: false #defines if rabbitmq should be used on elk-broker nodes...either use rabbitmq or redis... **recommend redis
use_redis: true #defines if redis should be used on elk-broker nodes...either use redis or rabbitmq... **recommend redis
- name: localhost
port: 10514
proto: tcp
Now with group_vars out of the way you will need to modify or create host_vars/node name for only the _elk-p-haproxy_ nodes but the defaults I have included she be all that is required which basically only defines KeepAliveD setting specific to each node. Examples below.
keepalived_router_pri: 101
keepalived_vrrp_state: MASTER
keepalived_router_pri: 100
keepalived_vrrp_state: BACKUP
Now we should be ready to run our elkstack playbook and watch the building begin. Below is what the playbook looks like which is included in the Github repo. You will need to modify the remote_user variable to reflect the account that you will be connecting to all of your nodes with.
- hosts: elk-p-nodes
remote_user: remote
sudo: yes
- { role: disable-firewall, when: not enable_firewall }
- { role: enable-firewall, when: enable_firewall }
- elk-network-tweaks
- hosts: elk-p-broker-nodes
remote_user: remote
sudo: yes
- { role: redis, when: use_redis }
- { role: rabbitmq, when: use_rabbitmq }
- nginx
- elasticsearch
- elk-broker
- elk-kibana
- elk-tuning
- hosts: elk-p-es-nodes
remote_user: remote
sudo: yes
- elasticsearch
- elk-es
- elk-tuning
- hosts: elk-p-pre-processor-nodes
remote_user: remote
sudo: yes
- logstash
- elk-pre-processor
- dnsmasq
- hosts: elk-p-processor-nodes
remote_user: remote
sudo: yes
- elasticsearch
- logstash
- elk-processor
- dnsmasq
- hosts: elk-p-haproxy-nodes
remote_user: remote
sudo: yes
- logstash
- haproxy
- elk-haproxy
So if all nodes have been provisioned and naming matches the Ansible group_vars, host_vars and the Ansible inventory file you should be ready to run the following and watch everything get built.
ansible-playbook -i hosts elkstack_prod.yml
There you have it. You should have a functioning ELK Stack deployment at the end of the runs.
You will connect either to http://logstashvipORlogstashvipname:5601 or http://logstashvipORlogstashvipname.
Configure your devices to connect to the following (Unless you changed the roles).
- prot: tcp
port: 10514
type: syslog
- prot: tcp
port: 1514
type: VMware
- prot: tcp
port: 1515
type: vCenter
- prot: tcp
port: 1517
type: Netscaler
- prot: tcp
port: 28778
type: elasticsearch-curator
- prot: tcp
format: json
port: 3515
type: eventlog
- prot: tcp
codec: json_lines
port: 3525
type: iis
And of course if not on this list you will send to UDP/514 or whatever else you may have added. You will notice that VMware is listed above as tcp/1514. This worked great until a few months back and messages began dropping on several environments running ESXi 5.5U2+. To work around that we now configure the ESXi hosts to send via udp/514 and all of the filtering is included here to properly parse ESXi hosts. For additional device setups you can still reference my original post here.
As I mentioned in the beginning, I am sure that this post will need some modifications based on the fact that I have spent several months working through all of this and moving the setup to Ansible. But also I have made many changes in order to try and fit this into each unique environment. However, I of course am just one person doing this with a great understanding of how I have put this all together so I will need to rely on each and everyone of your valuable input in order to make this a better solution for all.
As always! Enjoy!
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