Ansible - HAProxy
In this previous post I setup KeepAliveD using a fictitious tenant using Ansible. In this post I will be building upon that same configuration and creating the HAProxy setup.
Below is the vars/tenant_1.yml
file that contains the specific tenant
variables that will be used.
tenant_name: tenant_1
config_forward_rules_allow_spec: 'false' # set to true to configure specific firewall rules under forward_rules_allow_spec
- { tenant_subnet: '' } # Web
- { tenant_subnet: '' } # App
- { tenant_subnet: '' } # DB
###### Firewall Setup ######
###### Note.....Firewall rules are by default dropped in default setup ######
# Port specific rules - used to add firewall rules that should be port based rules **Note...SSH is allowed by default so there is no need to specify rules for SSH.
# Another note is that when configuring load balancer setup further down...The ports that will be load balanced will be added to the firewall by default as well.
# This section will normally be used to allow a specific port to a host|subnet etc. which does not require load balancing.
# Make sure to change config_forward_rules_allow_spec at the top to true to ensure the below firewall rules are applied.
- { protocol: 'tcp', port: '8080', source: '', destination: '' }
# Generic non port specific rules to allow. Ex. allowing a host|subnet to communicate from|to one another on every port available.
- { source: '', destination: '' }
- { source: '', destination: '' }
- { source: '', destination: '' }
# Define specific rules below to be dropped by firewall. Ex. explicitly denying communications between hosts|subnets.
- { source: '', destination: '' }
- { source: '', destination: '' }
- { source: '', destination: '' }
- { source: '', destination: '' }
- { source: '', destination: '' }
- { source: '', destination: '' }
###### Load Balancer Setup ######
# Allocate vips from tenant_vips assigned above....these will be used as variables for lb_details and lb_defs. You may choose to just enter IP addresses though.
web_vip: ''
db_vip: ''
app_vip: ''
balance_method: 'roundrobin' # Set to one of the below types to configure load balancing method
#leastconn - The server with the lowest number of connections receives the connection
#roundrobin - Each server is used in turns, according to their weights.
#source - Source IP hashed and divided by total weight of servers designates which server will receive the request
# Defines the load balancing group setup
- { name: 'web', protocol: 'tcp', listen_port: '80', tenant_vip: '{{ web_vip }}', balance_type: '{{ balance_method }}' }
- { name: 'db', protocol: 'tcp', listen_port: '3306', tenant_vip: '{{ db_vip }}', balance_type: '{{ balance_method }}' }
- { name: 'rabbitmq-mgmt', protocol: 'tcp', listen_port: '15672', tenant_vip: '{{ app_vip }}', balance_type: '{{ balance_method }}' }
- { name: 'redis', protocol: 'tcp', listen_port: '6379', tenant_vip: '{{ app_vip }}', balance_type: '{{ balance_method }}' }
- { name: 'rabbitmq', protocol: 'tcp', listen_port: '5672', tenant_vip: '{{ app_vip }}', balance_type: '{{ balance_method }}' }
# Defines the load balancing servers within the load balancing group
- { lb_def_name: 'web', protocol: 'tcp', listen_port: '80', tenant_vip: '{{ web_vip }}', lb_group: 'web', server: 'ans-cloud-web01', backend_port: '80' }
- { lb_def_name: 'web', protocol: 'tcp', listen_port: '80', tenant_vip: '{{ web_vip }}', lb_group: 'web', server: 'ans-cloud-web02', backend_port: '80' }
- { lb_def_name: 'web', protocol: 'tcp', listen_port: '80', tenant_vip: '{{ web_vip }}', lb_group: 'web', server: 'ans-cloud-web03', backend_port: '80' }
- { lb_def_name: 'db', protocol: 'tcp', listen_port: '3306', tenant_vip: '{{ db_vip }}', lb_group: 'db', server: 'ans-cloud-db01', backend_port: '3306' }
- { lb_def_name: 'db', protocol: 'tcp', listen_port: '3306', tenant_vip: '{{ db_vip }}', lb_group: 'db', server: 'ans-cloud-db02', backend_port: '3306' }
- { lb_def_name: 'rabbitmq-mgmt', protocol: 'tcp', listen_port: '15672', tenant_vip: '{{ app_vip }}', lb_group: 'rabbitmq-mgmt', server: 'ans-cloud-app01', backend_port: '15672' }
- { lb_def_name: 'rabbitmq-mgmt', protocol: 'tcp', listen_port: '15672', tenant_vip: '{{ app_vip }}', lb_group: 'rabbitmq-mgmt', server: 'ans-cloud-app02', backend_port: '15672' }
- { lb_def_name: 'rabbitmq-mgmt', protocol: 'tcp', listen_port: '15672', tenant_vip: '{{ app_vip }}', lb_group: 'rabbitmq-mgmt', server: 'ans-cloud-app03', backend_port: '15672' }
- { lb_def_name: 'redis', protocol: 'tcp', listen_port: '6379', tenant_vip: '{{ app_vip }}', lb_group: 'redis', server: 'ans-cloud-app01', backend_port: '6379' }
- { lb_def_name: 'redis', protocol: 'tcp', listen_port: '6379', tenant_vip: '{{ app_vip }}', lb_group: 'redis', server: 'ans-cloud-app02', backend_port: '6379' }
- { lb_def_name: 'redis', protocol: 'tcp', listen_port: '6379', tenant_vip: '{{ app_vip }}', lb_group: 'redis', server: 'ans-cloud-app03', backend_port: '6379' }
- { lb_def_name: 'rabbitmq', protocol: 'tcp', listen_port: '5672', tenant_vip: '{{ app_vip }}', lb_group: 'rabbitmq', server: 'ans-cloud-app01', backend_port: '5672' }
- { lb_def_name: 'rabbitmq', protocol: 'tcp', listen_port: '5672', tenant_vip: '{{ app_vip }}', lb_group: 'rabbitmq', server: 'ans-cloud-app02', backend_port: '5672' }
- { lb_def_name: 'rabbitmq', protocol: 'tcp', listen_port: '5672', tenant_vip: '{{ app_vip }}', lb_group: 'rabbitmq', server: 'ans-cloud-app03', backend_port: '5672' }
Below is the haproxy.cfg.j2
template that I will use.
# {{ ansible_managed }}
# log logstash local0 #Change logstash to your naming
log /dev/log local0
log /dev/log local1 notice
# log-send-hostname
chroot /var/lib/haproxy
user haproxy
group haproxy
maxconn 40000
spread-checks 3
stats socket /run/haproxy/admin.sock mode 660 level admin
stats timeout 30s
# Default SSL material locations
ca-base /etc/ssl/certs
crt-base /etc/ssl/private
# Default ciphers to use on SSL-enabled listening sockets.
# For more information, see ciphers(1SSL).
ssl-default-bind-ciphers kEECDH+aRSA+AES:kRSA+AES:+AES256:RC4-SHA:!kEDH:!LOW:!EXP:!MD5:!aNULL:!eNULL
ssl-default-bind-options no-sslv3
log global
mode tcp
maxconn 40000
option httplog
option dontlognull
option redispatch
option tcp-smart-accept
option tcp-smart-connect
retries 3
timeout queue 5000
timeout connect 50000
timeout client 50000
timeout server 50000
errorfile 400 /etc/haproxy/errors/400.http
errorfile 403 /etc/haproxy/errors/403.http
errorfile 408 /etc/haproxy/errors/408.http
errorfile 500 /etc/haproxy/errors/500.http
errorfile 502 /etc/haproxy/errors/502.http
errorfile 503 /etc/haproxy/errors/503.http
errorfile 504 /etc/haproxy/errors/504.http
group admin users admin
user admin insecure-password admin
listen admin_page
mode http
stats enable
stats refresh 60s
stats uri /
acl AuthOkay_ReadOnly http_auth(STATSUSERS)
acl AuthOkay_Admin http_auth_group(STATSUSERS) admin
stats http-request auth realm admin_page unless AuthOkay_ReadOnly
{% for lb_group_def in lb_details %}
listen {{ tenant_name }}_{{ }}-{{ lb_group_def.tenant_vip }}:{{ lb_group_def.listen_port }} {{ lb_group_def.tenant_vip }}:{{ lb_group_def.listen_port }}
mode tcp
option tcpka
option tcplog
#balance leastconn - The server with the lowest number of connections receives the connection
#balance roundrobin - Each server is used in turns, according to their weights.
#balance source - Source IP hashed and divided by total weight of servers designates which server will receive the request
balance {{ lb_group_def.balance_type }}
default-server inter 2s downinter 5s rise 3 fall 2 slowstart 60s maxconn 256 maxqueue 128 weight 100
{% for item in lb_defs %}
{% if item.lb_group == %}
server {{ item.server }} {{ item.server }}:{{ item.backend_port }} check
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
And below is what we end up with as an haproxy.cfg for our setup by using the variables and template above.
# Ansible managed: /home/administrator/ansible/projects/ans-cloud-rt01/templates/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg.j2 modified on 2015-04-10 12:58:14 by administrator on ansible
# log logstash local0 #Change logstash to your naming
log /dev/log local0
log /dev/log local1 notice
# log-send-hostname
chroot /var/lib/haproxy
user haproxy
group haproxy
maxconn 40000
spread-checks 3
stats socket /run/haproxy/admin.sock mode 660 level admin
stats timeout 30s
# Default SSL material locations
ca-base /etc/ssl/certs
crt-base /etc/ssl/private
# Default ciphers to use on SSL-enabled listening sockets.
# For more information, see ciphers(1SSL).
ssl-default-bind-ciphers kEECDH+aRSA+AES:kRSA+AES:+AES256:RC4-SHA:!kEDH:!LOW:!EXP:!MD5:!aNULL:!eNULL
ssl-default-bind-options no-sslv3
log global
mode tcp
maxconn 40000
option httplog
option dontlognull
option redispatch
option tcp-smart-accept
option tcp-smart-connect
retries 3
timeout queue 5000
timeout connect 50000
timeout client 50000
timeout server 50000
errorfile 400 /etc/haproxy/errors/400.http
errorfile 403 /etc/haproxy/errors/403.http
errorfile 408 /etc/haproxy/errors/408.http
errorfile 500 /etc/haproxy/errors/500.http
errorfile 502 /etc/haproxy/errors/502.http
errorfile 503 /etc/haproxy/errors/503.http
errorfile 504 /etc/haproxy/errors/504.http
group admin users admin
user admin insecure-password admin
listen admin_page
mode http
stats enable
stats refresh 60s
stats uri /
acl AuthOkay_ReadOnly http_auth(STATSUSERS)
acl AuthOkay_Admin http_auth_group(STATSUSERS) admin
stats http-request auth realm admin_page unless AuthOkay_ReadOnly
listen tenant_1_web-
mode tcp
option tcpka
option tcplog
#balance leastconn - The server with the lowest number of connections receives the connection
#balance roundrobin - Each server is used in turns, according to their weights.
#balance source - Source IP hashed and divided by total weight of servers designates which server will receive the request
balance roundrobin
default-server inter 2s downinter 5s rise 3 fall 2 slowstart 60s maxconn 256 maxqueue 128 weight 100
server ans-cloud-web01 ans-cloud-web01:80 check
server ans-cloud-web02 ans-cloud-web02:80 check
server ans-cloud-web03 ans-cloud-web03:80 check
listen tenant_1_db-
mode tcp
option tcpka
option tcplog
#balance leastconn - The server with the lowest number of connections receives the connection
#balance roundrobin - Each server is used in turns, according to their weights.
#balance source - Source IP hashed and divided by total weight of servers designates which server will receive the request
balance roundrobin
default-server inter 2s downinter 5s rise 3 fall 2 slowstart 60s maxconn 256 maxqueue 128 weight 100
server ans-cloud-db01 ans-cloud-db01:3306 check
server ans-cloud-db02 ans-cloud-db02:3306 check
listen tenant_1_rabbitmq-mgmt-
mode tcp
option tcpka
option tcplog
#balance leastconn - The server with the lowest number of connections receives the connection
#balance roundrobin - Each server is used in turns, according to their weights.
#balance source - Source IP hashed and divided by total weight of servers designates which server will receive the request
balance roundrobin
default-server inter 2s downinter 5s rise 3 fall 2 slowstart 60s maxconn 256 maxqueue 128 weight 100
server ans-cloud-app01 ans-cloud-app01:15672 check
server ans-cloud-app02 ans-cloud-app02:15672 check
server ans-cloud-app03 ans-cloud-app03:15672 check
listen tenant_1_redis-
mode tcp
option tcpka
option tcplog
#balance leastconn - The server with the lowest number of connections receives the connection
#balance roundrobin - Each server is used in turns, according to their weights.
#balance source - Source IP hashed and divided by total weight of servers designates which server will receive the request
balance roundrobin
default-server inter 2s downinter 5s rise 3 fall 2 slowstart 60s maxconn 256 maxqueue 128 weight 100
server ans-cloud-app01 ans-cloud-app01:6379 check
server ans-cloud-app02 ans-cloud-app02:6379 check
server ans-cloud-app03 ans-cloud-app03:6379 check
listen tenant_1_rabbitmq-
mode tcp
option tcpka
option tcplog
#balance leastconn - The server with the lowest number of connections receives the connection
#balance roundrobin - Each server is used in turns, according to their weights.
#balance source - Source IP hashed and divided by total weight of servers designates which server will receive the request
balance roundrobin
default-server inter 2s downinter 5s rise 3 fall 2 slowstart 60s maxconn 256 maxqueue 128 weight 100
server ans-cloud-app01 ans-cloud-app01:5672 check
server ans-cloud-app02 ans-cloud-app02:5672 check
server ans-cloud-app03 ans-cloud-app03:5672 check
Below is the group_vars code used across the different Ansible posts based on tenant setup
# Tenants
config_tenants: true
# Firewall
enable_firewall: 'true' # set to true to enable firewall services
nat_masquerade: 'false'
# Zabbix Monitoring
enable_zabbix_agent: 'true'
# Define configurations for each service
enable_conntrackd: true # set to true to enable conntrackd (connection tracking)
enable_dnsmasq: true # set to true to enable service
enable_haproxy: true # set to true to enable service
enable_keepalived: true # set to true to enable service
enable_quagga: true # set to true to enable service
enable_snmpd: true # set to true to enable service
enable_tftp: true # set to true to enable service
# Before setting these to true for config they must be set to true for enable above
config_conntrackd: true # set to true to config conntrackd (setup connection tracking sync - Works with KeepAliveD)
config_dnsmasq: true # set to true to do custom config
config_glusterfs: true # config glusterfs - sets up GlusterFS mounts, bricks and mounts various mountpoints if configured
config_haproxy: true # set to true to do custom config
config_hosts: '{{ config_glusterfs }}' # update /etc/hosts true|false - needs to be set to true for glusterfs if DNS hostnames do not exist for nodes being setup
config_keepalived: true # set to true to do custom config
config_lvm: true # set to true to do custom config
config_quagga: true # set to true to do custom config
config_snmpd: true # set to true to do custom config
config_tftp: true # set to true to do custom config
# Before setting these to true for sync they must be set to true for config above
sync_dnsmasq: true # set to true to sync /var/lib/misc which contains dhcpleases
sync_haproxy: true # set to true to sync between nodes using GlusterFS
sync_keepalived: true # set to true to sync between nodes using GlusterFS
sync_quagga: true # set to true to sync between nodes using GlusterFS
sync_tftp: true # set to true to sync between nodes using GlusterFS
# Define LVM configuration for additional disk added for GlusterFS
create: true
create_vgname: 'glusterfs-vg'
create_lvname: 'glusterfs-lv'
create_lvsize: '100%FREE'
new_mntp: '/mnt/gluster'
new_disk: '/dev/sdb'
filesystem: xfs
# Reconfigure networking on ititial setup
pre_bootstrap_change_ip: true # changes ip of each node based on host_vars ip setting
# Bootstrap setup
reboot: true # reboot after changing hostname to match inventory_hostname - set to false if you do not want to reboot
root_password: '$1$lDZD3dKn$ZRoapxlZOzivK/sQWqdFg/' # MD5 hash of your root password
administrator_password: '$1$WcS2byl4$hU0dn5RtQsCbRWiorXsTL.' # MD5 hash of your administrator password - if used
remote_password: '$1$D3pAE14D$' # MD5 hash of your remote password - used for Ansible
# Rsyslog setup
syslog_server_1: 'logstash.everythingshouldbevirtual.local'
syslog_server_port_1: '514'
syslog_server_2: 'logstash-dev.everythingshouldbevirtual.local'
syslog_server_port_2: '514'
# Timezone setup
change_timezone: true
timezone: 'America/New_York' # change to your preferred timezone - UTC|EST5EDT|America/New_York
# SNMPD configurations
snmpd_ro_community: 'everythingshouldbevirtual' # set to your snmp RO (read only) community string
snmpd_authorized_network: '' # set to your network in which your snmp monitoring server(s) reside
# sets up networking - used througout various settings for additional services if they can be
pri_bind_interface: 'eth0' # should be set to your primary interface
pri_interface_method: 'static' # set to static or dhcp
pri_netmask: '' # set to the netmask for your primary interface (eth0)
pri_netmask_cidr: '24' # set to the CIDR format for your netmask (,,, or other)
pri_network: '' # set to the network that your primary interface resides...last octet 0 for network address match
pri_gateway: '' # set to the primary interface gateway...this will also setup the ospf default route
pri_dns: '' # set to your primary dns server
sec_bind_interface: 'eth1' # should be set to your secondary interface - which is providing DHCP and TFTP services
sec_interface_method: 'static' # set to static or DHCP - this interface will|should be disabled in /etc/network/interfaces...used for VLAN(s) config - Inside interface
sec_netmask: '' # should be left unconfigured
sec_network: '' # should be left unconfigured
sec_gateway: '' # should be left unconfigured
sec_dns: '' # set to your secondary dns server
pri_domain_name: 'everythingshouldbevirtual.local' # set to your primary domain name
dnsmasq_domain: 'cloud.everythingshouldbevirtual.local' # use for provisioning of secondary domain for your cloud - can be the same as pri_domain_name
dns_nameservers: '{{ pri_dns }} {{ sec_dns }}' # add your dns servers for upstream resolution
dns_search: '{{ pri_domain_name}} {{ dnsmasq_domain }}' # sets your dns search suffix
#### Below is for setting up /etc/network/interfaces
- { int: lo, method: loopback, ip_address: '{{ quagga_ospf_routerid }}/32' } # configures the loopback adapter for the OSPF router ID
# Sets up /etc/network/interfaces
- { int: '{{ sec_bind_interface }}', method: '{{ sec_interface_method }}' }
- { int: '{{ conntrackd_sync_int }}', method: 'static' }
#### Below is for both /etc/network/interfaces.d and quagga - add your VLAN(s) and IP addresses for routing
- { vlan: vlan110, method: manual, raw_device: '{{ sec_bind_interface }}', ip_address: '', network: '' }
- { vlan: vlan700, method: manual, raw_device: '{{ sec_bind_interface }}', ip_address: '', network: '' }
- { vlan: vlan701, method: manual, raw_device: '{{ sec_bind_interface }}', ip_address: '', network: '' }
- { vlan: vlan702, method: manual, raw_device: '{{ sec_bind_interface }}', ip_address: '', network: '' }
- { vlan: vlan703, method: manual, raw_device: '{{ sec_bind_interface }}', ip_address: '', network: '' }
#### Below is for setting up quagga
- { int: default } # sets all interfaces to passive in OSPF config by default
- { int: lo } # sets to no passive so OSPF will communicate
- { int: '{{ pri_bind_interface }}' } # sets to no passive so OSPF will communicate
- { network: '{{ pri_network }}/{{ pri_netmask_cidr }}', area: '{{ quagga_ospf_area }}' } # configures OSPF network area
- { network: '{{ quagga_ospf_routerid }}/32', area: '{{ quagga_ospf_area }}' }
- connected
- kernel
- static
# - isis
# - rip
### Enter default route for networks not found in routing table
default_route: ' {{ pri_gateway }}' # configures the default route for Quagga...This will typically be set to your default gateway for your pri interface
# Define TFTP settings
tftp_bind_address: "" # set to an interface IP address on your inside network - vlan700 IP address here
tftpboot_dir: '/var/lib/tftpboot' # set to the tftpboot directory
tftpboot_home: '{{ tftpboot_dir }}' # this should be the same as tftpboot_dir....used for GlusterFS mount
tftpboot_mnt: '{{ gfs_dir5 }}-{{ app_name }}' #
tftpboot_backup_dir: '/var/lib/tftpboot.backup'
# Define DNSmasq settings
no_dhcp_bind_int: '{{ pri_bind_interface }}' # change to interface that you do not want DHCP listening on - should be outside interface (eth0)
time_server: ''
domain_suffix_search: '{{ pri_domain_name }},{{ dnsmasq_domain }}'
dhcp_boot: 'pxelinux.0,{{ inventory_hostname }},{{ tftp_bind_address }}'
netboot_url: ''
netboot_file: 'netboot.tar.gz'
dnsmasq_misc_backup_dir: '/var/lib/misc.backup'
dnsmasq_misc_mnt: '{{ gfs_dir6 }}-{{ app_name }}'
dnsmasq_misc_home: '/var/lib/misc'
- '{{ pri_dns }}'
- '{{ sec_dns }}'
# Define preseed.cfg defaults (TFTP)
#domain_name: '{{ pri_domain_name }}' # your primary domain name or secondary domain name - whichever suits your requirements
domain_name: '{{ dnsmasq_domain }}' # comment out above and uncomment this line if you want to use your cloud domain for provisioning vs. primary domain name
root_pw: '$1$6Rpvg6ad$VUpMRxLIDXbNp3of9RjGE0' # use echo "password" | mkpasswd -s -5
bind_address: '{{ tftp_bind_address }}' # sets to your sec_bind_address - change to pri_bind_address if you are setting TFTP on your primary interface
# Define DNSmasq DHCP ranges
- { start: '', end: '', netmask: '' }
- { start: '', end: '', netmask: '' }
- { start: '', end: '', netmask: '' }
- { start: '', end: '', netmask: '' }
# Define app name to use for setup of GlusterFS
app_name: 'ans-cloud-rt'
# Define names for GlusterFS directories and volumes
gfs_dir1: 'loadbalancers'
gfs_vol1: '{{ app_name }}'
gfs_dir2: 'routers'
gfs_vol2: '{{ app_name }}'
gfs_dir3: 'scripts'
gfs_vol3: '{{ app_name }}'
gfs_dir4: 'interfaces'
gfs_vol4: '{{ app_name }}'
gfs_dir5: 'tftpboot'
gfs_vol5: '{{ app_name }}'
gfs_dir6: 'dnsmasq_misc'
gfs_vol6: '{{ app_name }}'
# Define folders to create for GlusterFS
- { name: '{{ gfs_dir1 }}', owner: root, group: root }
- { name: '{{ gfs_dir2 }}', owner: root, group: root }
- { name: '{{ gfs_dir3 }}', owner: root, group: root }
- { name: '{{ gfs_dir4 }}', owner: root, group: root }
- { name: '{{ gfs_dir5 }}', owner: root, group: root }
- { name: '{{ gfs_dir6 }}', owner: root, group: root }
# Define GlusterFS volumes to create
- { name: '{{ gfs_dir1 }}-{{ gfs_vol1 }}', brick: '{{ gluster_brick_dir }}/{{ gfs_dir1 }}/{{ gfs_vol1 }}', rebalance: yes, replicas: 2 }
- { name: '{{ gfs_dir2 }}-{{ gfs_vol2 }}', brick: '{{ gluster_brick_dir }}/{{ gfs_dir2 }}/{{ gfs_vol2 }}', rebalance: yes, replicas: 2 }
- { name: '{{ gfs_dir3 }}-{{ gfs_vol3 }}', brick: '{{ gluster_brick_dir }}/{{ gfs_dir3 }}/{{ gfs_vol3 }}', rebalance: yes, replicas: 2 }
- { name: '{{ gfs_dir4 }}-{{ gfs_vol4 }}', brick: '{{ gluster_brick_dir }}/{{ gfs_dir4 }}/{{ gfs_vol4 }}', rebalance: yes, replicas: 2 }
- { name: '{{ gfs_dir5 }}-{{ gfs_vol5 }}', brick: '{{ gluster_brick_dir }}/{{ gfs_dir5 }}/{{ gfs_vol5 }}', rebalance: yes, replicas: 2 }
- { name: '{{ gfs_dir6 }}-{{ gfs_vol6 }}', brick: '{{ gluster_brick_dir }}/{{ gfs_dir6 }}/{{ gfs_vol6 }}', rebalance: yes, replicas: 2 }
# Define KeepAliveD settings (router_id for nodes is in host_vars)
keepalived_vip: '' # Should be setup on the same network as your pri_interface resides
keepalived_vip_int: '{{ pri_bind_interface }}' # Set to primary bind interface
keepalived_router_id: '23' # make sure to set these to different values so keepalived does not attempt to join additional vrrp domains on the same subnet
notify_master_script: '/opt/scripts/'
notify_backup_script: '/opt/scripts/'
notify_fault_script: '/opt/scripts/'
scripts_mnt: '{{ gfs_dir3 }}-{{ app_name }}'
scripts_home: '/opt/scripts'
# Define conntrackd settings for use with KeepAliveD
- '{{ pri_bind_address }}'
- '{{ conntrackd_sync_ip }}'
- '{{ keepalived_vip }}'
conntrackd_sync_int: 'eth2' # Use a separate interface than used for primary and VLAN interface
conntrackd_sync_netmask: '' # Netmask for sync network
# Define GlusterFS settings
glusterfs_client: true # true|false - should be set to true in most cases
glusterfs_server: true # true|false - should be set to true in most cases
glusterfs_repl_int: '{{ pri_bind_interface }}'
gluster_brick_dir: '{{ new_mntp }}'
cluster_hosts: 'ans-cloud-rt01a,ans-cloud-rt01b' # make sure to change these to match your inventory_hostname values of your hosts in site_hosts and also add them to a site_group
# Define HAProxy settings
haproxy_backup_dir: '/etc/haproxy.backup'
haproxy_home: '/etc/haproxy'
haproxy_mnt: '{{ gfs_dir1 }}-{{ app_name }}'
# Define Quagga settings
# if the mgmt int is changed you need to update playbooks/glusterfs.yml under updating /etc/hosts to reflect the correct eth device until a variable solution can be found
quagga_mgmt_int: '{{ pri_bind_interface }}' # should be set to your outside interface (eth0)
quagga_mgmt_method: '{{ pri_interface_method }}' # static|dhcp
quagga_mgmt_netmask: '{{ pri_netmask }}' # primary interface netmask
quagga_mgmt_gateway: '{{ pri_gateway }}' # primary interface gateway
quagga_mgmt_nameservers: '{{ dns_nameservers }}' # upstream dns servers
quagga_mgmt_dns_search: '{{ dns_search }}' # dns search suffix
quagga_enable_zebra: 'yes' # enables main Quagga service
quagga_enable_ospfd: 'yes' # enables Quagga OSPF service
quagga_enable_vtysh: 'yes' # enables vty terminal acesss
quagga_backup_dir: /etc/quagga.backup # where to move the existing /etc/quagga directory
quagga_home: '/etc/quagga' # where to mount the new quagga home directory
quagga_hostname: quagga-rt01 # set to the hostname to be configured within Quagga router
quagga_password: quagga # set to your preferred password for Quagga router login
quagga_enable_password: quagga # set to your preferred enable password for Quagga router configurations
quagga_ospf_routerid: '' # IP address to assign as the OSPF router ID...This IP will be bound to the loopback adapter
#quagga_ospf_distribute: 'connected' # can be set to the following options - babel|bgp|connected|isis|kernel|rip|static
quagga_ospf_area: '0' # set to the desired area mapping for OSPF routing with upstream OSPF routers
quagga_mnt: '{{ gfs_dir2 }}-{{ app_name }}'
net_config_dir: '/etc/network/interfaces.d'
# Interfaces GlusterFS - for replicating network VLAN interfaces *currently not working*
interfaces_home: '/etc/network/interfaces.d'
interfaces_mnt: '{{ gfs_dir4 }}-{{ app_name }}'
sync_interfaces: false
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